ICF Receives Award From Arab League


The Iraqi Children Foundation (ICF) was honored to receive an award from the League of Arab States at a December 12, 2018, event celebrating “Arab American Day 2018” in Washington, DC.

The theme of the Seventh Annual Arab American Day was “Enhancing Arab American Partnership through Youth Empowerment.” The award expresses appreciation and recognition of ICF’s work and commitment to “protect youth and support children of Iraq.”

The award was bestowed by His Excellency Ambassador Salah A. Sarhan, Chief Representative of the League of Arab States, Washington DC, pictured above with ICF Founder Maxwell Quqa.

 In accepting the award, ICF saluted His Excellency Ambassador Fareed Yasseen of Iraq and Third Secretary Safaa Yasseen, ICF’s NGO partners in Iraq - the Justice Gate Organization and the Iraq Health Access Organization - and the US veterans, Gold Star families, and businesses who are all part of the team supporting Iraq’s most vulnerable children.  

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