ICF Joins Iraqi Partner in Mobilizing Food/Supplies for Families Fleeing ISIS
September 4, 2014
Vulnerable boy flees ISIS into loving arms of heart doctors
The Iraqi Children Foundation (ICF) announced today that it has provided an initial $11,000 grant to the Iraq Health Aid Organization (IHAO) in Baghdad to provide emergency food, milk, mattresses, or other support to children and families fleeing ISIS to Baghdad.
“We salute IHAO for their humanitarian work in bringing relief to these desperately vulnerable children and families in Baghdad,” said Jonathan Webb, ICF Chairman.
“IHAO leadership and staff have been wonderful partners, serving as front-line responders to this crisis and meeting basic human needs with compassion.”
In a much needed boost to morale, a story unfolded of a young Iraqi boy with a serious heart problem who became the child who ran from ISIS danger into the arms of loving doctors. First discovered by IHAO staff and examined by a doctor working alongside them, the boy was transported within days to an Iraqi hospital where a visiting US cardiac surgery team happened to be in residence. The boy later emerged from successful surgery and intensive care, with a newly mended heart. For heartwarming pictures, visit IHAO’s Facebook page.
Reports from the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) estimate more than 70,000 IDPs have fled from ISIS to Baghdad. An Iraq Ministry of Education spokeswoman in Baghdad, cited by the Washington Post, reported that an estimated 60 percent of Baghdad schools are now being used as shelters for IDPs.
ICF salutes IHAO again for its emergency humanitarian work with IDP children and families. And ICF expresses appreciation to both IHAO and the Preemptive Love Coalition for making hope possible for one very lucky boy who needed a mended heart.
To join ICF in helping Iraqi children and families fleeing ISIS, please visit our Razoo donation site. Thank you for being a part of our team to help the Iraqi children and families during this time of crisis! Questions? Contact cindy@sicfiraq.org